Website Categories vs Website Tags for products – how to know which one to use.
If you run a website that offers products, understanding the difference between categories and tags can help make finding what customers want easier. Categories and tags are two different tools used on websites to organize content in a way that makes it easy for users to find what they need quickly. But each one has its own distinct purpose – so how do you know when to use them? In this blog post we’ll discuss the differences between website categories vs website tags, why each is beneficial in certain circumstances, and how using both will make your small business’s website more organized and efficient. Let’s get into it!
When it comes to organizing content on a website, the terms “categories” and “tags” often get thrown around interchangeably. But they actually serve very different purposes in helping visitors and search engines navigate your site. Categories are broad sections that group together related content, like a book’s table of contents. Tags, on the other hand, are more specific labels that describe the content in more detail, like a book’s index. Think of categories as big buckets and tags as the smaller pieces inside those buckets. Hashtags are essentially just tags used on social media. The proper use of these taxonomies can improve your website’s user experience and SEO. So next time you’re organizing your site’s content, make sure to keep these differences in mind.
Categories are the broader sections of your website. You can think of them as the main topics or themes that make up your site. They tell users what type of content they’ll find on each page, and also allow search engine algorithms to better understand the purpose and context of your pages. Categories help visitors quickly scan a website and determine what type of content they’ll find in each section. For example, on a website that sells clothing, categories might include men’s apparel, women’s apparel, accessories, and shoes.
Tags are the more specific labels that describe the content within those categories. They allow visitors to search for even more specific items on your site, making it easier for them find exactly what they need. For our clothing example, tags might include items such as shirts, sweaters, hats, and sandals within the larger categories of apparel and accessories. Tags can also be used in conjunction with categories to provide even more detailed descriptions of content.
When deciding which one to use on your website, consider your goal. Categories are great for helping visitors quickly find the main topics on your site. But tags provide more specificity and can be used in combination with categories to create a powerful search tool. Using both together ensures that visitors have the best possible experience while also providing valuable information to search engines so they can better understand each page’s context.
Now that you understand the differences between website categories vs website tags, you can make sure your site is properly organized and optimized. We hope this post has helped you better understand how to use these two tools to improve your small business’s website and make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for. And if you need further explanation, please feel free to contact us to get your site up to speed.
Queen Bee at Jus B Media. Crazy about digital marketing and content strategy. I absolutely love working with clients from the ground up and creating a homogeneous message across all of their digital platforms: web, social media, and ads.